@Foxtennofficial CEO Javier Simon said 2020 was going to be a big year for his company as it worked for approval from the ITF, WTA and ATP Tours (open to all, way down the page)

The bigger news, that was in one of our other products behind a paywall is that Simon said that @Foxtenn and Roland-Garros, who were in talks 2 years ago that went nowhere, are talking again about a Foxtenn trial...
Simon: “Roland-Garros is a very traditional tournament, and this to be respected. The reality on clay, it’s becoming so clear and so strong, there are so many errors that are not due to bad preparation of the referees or the players..."
Simon, contd: "It’s because it’s physically impossible to judge some of the things that happen. These things are happening more and our technology is more than ready.”
And one last thing, Simon said: broadcasters need to stop using line-calling tech on TV to undermine judges, who don't have access to the same tech... I thought that was an interesting and valid point
(one last, last thing) Simon also chuckled when I asked him about whether @Foxtennofficial needs better brand awareness because everybody calls any and all line-calling tech "hawk-eye." He agreed that his company needs better brand awareness.
(And a final quick update) @Foxtennofficial is the only electronic line-calling tech being trialed by @WTA and @atptour - Hawk-Eye not (seriously) involved with clay ELC yet
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