Everything is collectively produced to some extent but data is interesting bc its value as a source of insights strictly depends on it being collectively produced by some population of interest. And unlike physical resources it is not depleted as it's used https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/democratizing-our-data
Acknowledging this opens up a whole world of possible ways that data could be used - outside the sphere of for profit business - to make life better for people
Knowledge is a form of accumulated wealth that rightly belongs to all of humankind, but in practice it's not easy to create systems that respect this fact. Going to use this thread to keep a running list of different perspectives on this very challenging issue.
First, Salome Viljoen on the awkwardness of trying to force information into the framework of individual private property, and why information naturally lends itself to collective forms of governance https://phenomenalworld.org/analysis/data-as-property
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