When you are investing in a token, you are *not* investing in the software it runs on.

Not in the technical community members who pour their energy into new creative ideas.

You are not investing in someone else, you are *asking* to join a community and build value for yourself.
The software? It's meaningless. Just bits and lost ether.

Technical community members can add a lot of value through their creativity, but that value ultimately doesn't matter without a community that cares enough to use it (and use it correctly).

A token isn't just a meme.
I mean, a lot of people treat it like this. They think smart people are going to make their bags moon, a lot of other people think they can make money betting against it.

This is the marketplace of ideas, made liquid. Buy and sell ideas, but ideas are meaningless without action.
I am not here to moon your bags.

I am here to explore and create value for myself and the wider ecosystem with the ideas in my brain put to paper. I know that these ideas are ultimately meaningless without a strong community to see value in those ideas and to bring them to life.
I (or any other developer) are not a slave to you and your bags just because you bought a token. If you think that, you completely missed the plot my friend.

It is up to *you* to create that value for yourself, and speculate that others will be creating value alongside you.
If you want this space to be heavily regulated and boring like the existing traditional financial sphere, keep asking for us to be your fiduciaries. Keep telling us you invested because we have a *responsibility* to make #NumberGoUp

Or be a big boy/girl and create your own value
You can follow @fubuloubu.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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