"It’s a dismal fact that nearly half of all voting-age Americans will stay home come Election Day."

I think conservatives are going to be out in numbers never seen before. We're pissed, and motivated.
The polls gave me some pause, but after learning that even this late in the game, they are using Registered Voters (rather than the normal Likely Voters), I'm even more dismissive of polls.

I am trusting what my eyes are seeing. Trump is going to win.
Right now, the biggest danger is Democrats decided their strategy is to undermine trust in the election outcome.
Their reach goal is to stretch out counting and recounting enough to steal the election with ballots "found" in the trunk of a car or a storage facility.

But the baseline goal is to make everyone doubt Trump actually won.
Using "Registered Voters" in polling helps that.

I think it is long past time the polling industry recognizes, accepts, and announces they have actually *damaged* any incentive for conservatives to answer truthfully.

Without that incentive, polls are increasingly meaningless.
But the polls showing Biden having a double-digit lead right now, when his mental enfeeblement is obvious, and even after he and Harris both lost their debates, and after the GOP Convention was so much better and more positive than the Democrat Convention...
...and showing that lead even after Trump spearheaded peace deals in the middle east, rescued children, is leading a steep economic recovery that has this current, *reduced* economy better than Obama's best...

Well, it legitimizes further Dem refusal to accept a Trump win.
It encourages violence.
It encourages rioting.
It encourages 20% of the nation to refuse to participate in the peaceful political processes and institutions, encourages them to reject normal political order and actively *recruit* new violent thugs.
It encourages Leftist bureaucrats at all levels to try to attempt whatever fraud they can get away with to boost Biden's vote totals and reduce Trump's.
It encourages Leftist bureaucrats to use their tools and powers to continue to undermine Rule of Law and betray Trump's policy.
So I'm not sure what the solution is.

If we highlight what the real numbers are, it just tells Democrats how much they have to cheat to win.
And, yes, it is easy to blithely say that.
Democrats have telegraphed that is their exact intent.

That's why so many of the grassroots GOP is pissed off, why (i'm convinced) they will turn out in record numbers.
The GOP still believes in the institutions, in the Republic, in the peaceful processes.
We can accept when we lose fairly.
Democrats can't, and turn to violence and fraud to prevent losing fairly.

No one looking objectively at the evidence can dispute this.
But Democrats, the MSM, and the host of Leftist bots that might swarm on this post, are all incapable of looking objectively at the evidence, so not one will admit or even recognize it.
So i guess there is no solution, except to hope that we turn out in such record numbers that it can't be disputed.

And then strap in and expect a bumpy ride for a few months.
I *do* think that with a re-election win, and especially if GOP expands Senate numbers and takes back the House, Trump will then finally have a clear mandate to move in and shut down protests with federal LEOs and Reserve troops.
So I don't think it will take years to get pack to a peaceful nation, but months only.

Let's make sure Trump wins so we can find out if I'm right or wrong.
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