it's a perfect day for a lesbian question thread
1. what made you realize you were a lesbian?
2. have you ever had a crush on a straight girl? did you tell her?
3. who are your celebrity crushes?
4. who are your fictional crushes?
5. do you have any comphet crushes?
6: how old were you when you realized you were a lesbian?
7. tell a coming out story?
8. whose your favorite canon lesbian character?
9. do any lesbian stereotypes apply to you?
10. describe your partner (or ideal one if you're single)
11. how did you meet your partner? (if you have one)
12. what is your comfort sapphic ship?
13. do you have a favorite sapphic artist or song?
14. do you have a sapphic playlist? will you post the link?
15. what's the cutest thing another sapphic has done for you?
16. are you romantic?
17. did you have a sapphic date to prom or homecoming?
18. is your family accepting of your sexuality? (only answer if you're comfortable of course)
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