minors who have gd and get treatment for it isn’t the problem— the fact that being trans has now become a trend that attracts a lot of kids who don’t actually have that condition is.
the people who act like them appropriating this medical condition does absolutely no harm clearly are not paying attention to how often people have been pushing to take away our treatment. we told them this would happen. they don’t care about real trans people.
when ppl say “i wore these clothes and felt good so i must be trans” and “i don’t have gd i just don’t identify with my birth sex” (usually meaning just not liking gender roles/stereotypes), think about how many ppl this applies to. that is not gd. they don’t need treatment.
but telling people that if they think for one second they must be trans then they are trans is harmful. chances are, they’re not. gd is rare. and it’s not dressing a certain way or liking certain hobbies. people without it will get treatment that will harm them.
and those without gd shouldn’t have had access to that treatment to begin with. medical gatekeeping is necessary to protect people. if you actually need this treatment, you’ll get it. if you don’t, you don’t. and that should be true regardless of age.
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