<A Quick Thread>
What we have to realize is the @GOP has come to place where they consider rules and laws are things that apply to OTHER people.

I'd like to extrapolate on that for a minute.
And this is no recent development. Think of how Nixon paid no legal price for his law breaking.

Literally hundreds of @GOP Members of Congress have openly flouted laws for generations and ended up with BETTER jobs in the private sector.
The @GOP breaks campaign finance laws before our very eyes.

They steer government money to their coffers.

They sell their influence openly.

And every single time the lesson learned is not only thet they get away with it, their lives are IMPROVED by it.
And now, the @GOP openly saying that democracy is bad for us, while claiming fealty to our Constitution, when really they mean it's bad for them.

Because true democracy demands accountability, a foreign word to the @GOP.
4/ https://twitter.com/SenMikeLee/status/1314089207875371008?s=19
The response from the @GOP to this tweet will be, "we live in a republic (a form of democracy btw)," or "he just means mob rule is bad for all of us."

The first is ignorant at best, a bad faith argument at worst.
5/ https://twitter.com/SenMikeLee/status/1314089207875371008?s=19
The latter statement tell us more: the @GOP is terrified that we've finally gotten hip to their tune.

They know that we will no longer take their disrespect for the rule of law, THE bedrock of our nation.

Nor will we tolerate minority rule for that matter.
The @GOP is telling us who they've become every day now by their continued support of trump: they no longer think laws, rules, norms, ethic or even simple human decency apply to them anymore.

They gotta go, and we must be strong.

They're not going down without a fight.
P.S. we must also realize, given the level of violence the @GOP projects and their callous indifference to #COVID19 ripping through our communities means it's arguable that they consider life itself something that only they deserve.
Another timely example. Think any member of the @GOP will speak out against this?


"LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" right? https://twitter.com/jonathanoosting/status/1314227486398480386?s=19
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