Encouraging calls to come down ignored, I resorted to Dreamies. the feline equivalent of cannabis.
The day began without drama or incident. It changed when I heard a plaintive, later to become annoying cry. Kida, my posh prima donna of a pusscat, had climbed my neighbour's tall tree in pursuit of the cawing crows that had taunted her.
There she sat, perched majestically, quite comfortably, surveying us lesser mortals on the earth below. But she wailed.
I resorted to bribery in the form of Cat Treats. I failed. And marched to a neighbour's house for coffee without a backward glance. See if I care! I did of course, and spent most of the day staring up a tree. Hmmmmm.
The tree owning neighbour brought out the longest ladder in existence, climbed up, offered up cat sweets, which Kida ate then scurried up even higher! Cat now on the edges of Outer Space we huffed and returned indoors to resume normal life.
Darkness fell and still she remained on the topmost branches, a speck of fur hardly visible to the naked eye. I called out goodnight but failed to hear a response. Cats can be difficult to understand, but not to love.
This story does have a happy ending. Kida, damp and grumpy announced her arrival with a miserable meow some time after midnight. Today she is very tired and aloof, not wanting to discuss the events of yesterday.
As for her adventures or misadventures, I doubt if it will be her last. Cat in a hat..... if only!
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