"I was talking to a non-otaku yesterday and was asked "what are the reasons behind someone eating cake and favourite food for a fictional character's birthday?" and I answered "the same as why people eat cake and turkey for Jesus's birthday", I think I got it correct, right?" https://twitter.com/kei_191919jihai/status/1313980234752958464
"I don't get the difference between religion and otaku things in the first place. Holy texts, statues, religious imagery, transcribing holy texts, spreading your faith, songs, pilgrimage, prayer... we do similar things to that for otaku things too."
holy text = official books
statues = figures
religious imagery = official art
transcribing holy text = fanworks
spreading your faith = spreading your faith
songs = anime/character songs
pilgrimage = pilgrimage
prayer = spending money

it's completely the same. Q.E.D
"And salvation is guaranteed for those who have faith!"

"Faith won't give you your desired gacha result. There is no salvation. Please go and pray."
"So Christians are solo stans of Jesus?"
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