I am so tired of the "leadership" in Washington! One side lies to our faces and thinks we are too stupid and lazy to do anything about it.

The other side is smug, milquetoast, and unwilling to fight.

If I was their boss I would fire both and replace them with people who care!

I know that I write about stuff like this frequently, but I was trying to think about when the last time the Democrats fought for something. Maybe it was "Obamacare" but if you look at what that bill actually provided, you can see that they didn't fight all that hard.
Because people tend to forget that they controlled 2/3 of the government at the time. Democrats controlled the house and alternated between having a filibusterer-proof majority in the Senate and 59 votes. This meant if they worked quickly they could pass exactly what they wanted.
However, in a story that seems as old as time, they managed to fumble on the one yard line. If you don't know American football, they managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Flash forward to the impeachment of Donald Trump for OBVIOUS CRIMES and Democrats once again

Modern Republicans have been obstructing since the Affordable Care Act passed and have been fighting hard. They have been the party of no and it's worked for them.

Democrats? Could have run Bernie who all polls show defeats Donald Trump, but instead they run Joe.
So many people can't stand Joe Biden, and for good reason! He wasn't even in the top three best candidates. But as I've been trying to argue in this thread, Democrats refuse to fight. Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders would have fought. However, they are progressive and
the only things the Democrats seem to hate more than winning are progressives and their ideas. Which is so frustrating because many under-40 folks ARE progressive! Democratic leadership continues to ignore us in favor of rich donors.

That's cool, but what is my point?
It is first a reminder of what happened when the Democrats managed to hold the power in this country, as well as to compare how each side has fought over the last ten years.

I am also so tired of the lack of any meaningful opposition to the rise of fascism outside the streets!
Regardless of what happens after the election, there are three things that I hope/dream/wish about.

1. Campaign rules that limit funding and time of campaign to 18 months.
2. Dismantle political action committees.
3. A progressive political party.

I was going to wish that
the Democrats would get more progressive, but I think if there is any saving electoral political there must be new parties.

Or, perhaps, business as usual and the same old, same old electoral politics could be replaced with something better? Perhaps something more decentralized
and where the power is more firmly in the hands of the people and not corporations?

Perhaps something new that rethinks our current economic system and replaces it with something more just?

Capitalism had it's time, and it didn't work out so hot for most of us. Socialism hasn't
been perfect either! Perhaps as Dorothy Day thought and wrote, we should invest time thinking about a third way. Something that isn't quite capitalism and isn't quite socialism, but that provides more for everyone.

If America is as rich as it claims to be, we could all be living
well instead of only a few of us who got lucky.

I know that a better world is possible and as much as I want to keep waiting for it to happen through traditional electoral politics, it seems like that's just a trap to keep a handful of rich people in power!
If I am being honest, I don't want political change to happen like I described. Those three aren't actually my wishes.

I wish the system allowed people to have their voices heard! Any system that concentrates power in the hands of elites should be questioned.
I wish there was a third way.
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