tw // pedophilia

pedophilia and sexual orientation
(please read through the whole thread)
Pedophilia: "a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children"

emphasis on DISORDER and PREPUBESCENT (underage)
Sexual Orientation: "a person's sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual."

emphasis on GENDER
Pedophilia is a sexual orientation? To put it simply, pedophilia cannot be considered a sexual orientation because it is a disorder, not a preference. When a pedophile 'likes' or even has sexual relations with a minor it can never be consensual and is therefore criminal.
When a person is bisexual, heterosexual, homosexual etc, it is simply a preference of a partner's GENDER. Sexual orientation implies that it is a PREFERENCE and the person is MENTALLY STABLE. Gender preference usually does not further into any non-consensual acts, +
as the person is simply attracted to a certain gender.

- Is a disorder
- Is non consensual
- Is a 'preference' of MINORS by someone 18+
- Is usually not just thoughts but action taken, leads to criminal activity.

Sexual orientation:
- Is a preference of GENDER
- Is a decision (or conclusion) made by a person that is mentally stable
- Is consensual
- Is usually kept to themself or discussed with partner/ love interest in order to be consensual.

Partner preference can be used to describe other preferences in a partner (age, looks, nationality..), but this cannot be applied to pedophilia because pedophiles do not 'prefer' minors as partners, they have a sexual interest in minors as a result of mental issues.
Pedophilia is also against many laws and basic rights stated by the UN and worldwide governments. For example, article 34 of the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child states "The State shall protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse, including prostitution and +
involvement in pornography."
Pedophilia is sexual exploitation of a minor, article 36 "Freedom from exploitation" states "The child has the right to protection from all forms of exploitation prejudicial to any aspects of the child’s welfare not covered in articles 32–35."
Pedophilia is an illegal act of legal adults having non-consensual sex with minors, in its element being against the law in itself. It is not a preference, it is an act of criminal activity so in itself is completely separate from someone having gender preference of a partner.
you can read the full human rights here:

you can read the full child rights here:
(or on their website)
In conclusion,
"Pedophilia is an illness that has specific diagnostic criteria - entirely separate from one's sexual orientation."
If you read this whole thread, thank you and I will find some petitions that you should sign in regard to this issue and also current world affairs xx

Have a good day/ night !
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