And it's official, I got arthritis in my right hand. And I'm not even at my 30.

Tip for my fellow #TheDivision and #TheDivision2 agents to avoid this in future. Do not wear SHD watches from collectors edition to often and to much. For me it started because of their weight.

Not blaming only my favorite game or merch here, these are still some good watches, they can take a punch literally, tested. But they made a huge contribution to this situation, like anything else heavy will do.
In general take care of your hands and give them a good rest.

Especially if you are a gamer and electrical engineering designer of PCBs like me in past, PC user. Your hand always under pressure if you are working or playing(+-16h a day) it can lead to same thing. Again, problem: your hand just not resting enough.
Very suitable pic👇

As for me. Now I can say I put a bit of my health into sake of my country, because I were working in military industry since 2014 up to 2019. And also that I sacrificed a little health to #SHD and #TheDivision 😃 Opposite countries govs. I'm kinda ironically joking here tho.

To be honest all thread is more of ironic prenetded wining, rather smth serious. Yet contains a useful message.
This issue can be a problem if not taken care of, but also not crucial and critical to be so dramatic about it. People deal with far worse and not wining about it.
And message were: give a rest to your hands, keep them in right position while working, do not ignore discomfort or pain. Gamepads 🎮 are the best (I'm making this up😃), #fuckthedivision(this one is True Sons special😃) and remember whatever the problem is it could be worse.
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