The recent artist discourse rn is making me legit sad.
❌On one hand we have “real art is from passion not $$$” + “my OC art is free real estate to any RP/DnD player on the internet”

= to artists don’t deserve to get paid for their work. Work done should deserve fair pay!
If you really want a custom character for you, there’s a ton of artists on twitter with a range of prices to commission.
You can take your “inspiration image” break it down to:
Drow, white hair, facial tattoos,rogue class.
Take it to 10 diff artists & get 10 diff characters 👍
This thread is also a good reas on why it night not be so simple to just get a random character art from google:
Another reason against using someone’s OC art w/o permission:
Historically a lot of the greatest works of art exist because of patrons of the arts:
Read more here
More resources for free character making:
If you want a more realistic character face, there’s this website you can use: 
You can follow @ArtofYorugami.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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