I am proud to be dyslexic. It is not without challenges, but people like me are often told we are slow or stupid or thick. It can be frustrating at times that our brains work differently. When I was growing up, I was told it was a weakness I needed to overcome. It is not. (1/4)
People who are dyslexic have to be creative and think outside the box. This is our strength. More than 1 in 10 of us are dyslexic. It is time we changed the perception that it means it is a problem to be solved, rather than an attribute to be valued. (2/4)
If you are dyslexic, let me assure you - it does not need to hold you back. I have owned and run my own business. I have been an MP since 2010. I have been a minister in 3 Government departments and I am now privileged to be Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. (3/4)
It is our uniqueness as individuals that makes us all human and capable of achieving. (4/4)
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