"Pass the salt."


"Could you please pass me salt?"

What's the difference?

One is a command—an ORDER. The other is a polite request.

The difference is enormous.

Yet how many men are ORDERED by their girlfriends/wives to do things on a daily basis, and think nothing of it?
Pay attention & you'll hear this ALL the time.

Women issuing orders to the men they supposedly love:

"Come here."

"Hold this."

"Get the baby's bottle for me."

"Don't book the tickets yet."

"Don't forget the keys!"

"Pick up some milk on your way home."

"Hurry up!"
When you obey & comply with her commands/demands, you instantaneously become her CLOWN and her BITCH.

"Sorry babe, I only take orders from police. And even then, they better have guns pointed at me."

Unlike all her ex-boyfriends (and her father), that shit don't fly with you.
I was on a bus once, standing room only.

A woman in front of me was holding a baby & a folded stroller.

She needed to set the stroller down, but had no place to do so. So she extended it to me (a stranger) and said, I shit you not:


I replied: "No thanks."
She looked at me in total astonishment.

Immediately another passenger took the stroller. She started muttering terrible things about me.

I'm a good citizen. I would have helped her if she had asked me nicely.

But I don't take orders.
While we're at it, don't fall for the "I need you to" BS either.

"I need you to move your car."

No, you NEED to phrase your request in a more respectful way.

Huge numbers of women today are not used to speaking to men respectfully.

It's up to you to train her differently.
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