Good morning #RwOT
On today's #WednesdayWisdom, we are going to talk about "How to ensure your employees stay engaged, confident, and motivated."
#Thread #ITMMoments #HRTips
A large part of a leader’s responsibility is to identify new tools to reenergize their teams and empathetically help employees address their problems.
Here are the main practices any leader should cultivate to foster internal motivation in their team 1/
#WeAreITM #HRTips
1. Relatedness
Make time to listen to your employees’ perspectives and let them know that they are heard and valued.
Acknowledge and validate their emotions as well as their reactions, acknowledge each member’s work and achievements to the extent possible. 2/
#WeAreITM #HRTips
Emphasize that their contributions are unique and necessary; do not let good work go unacknowledged.
Communicate that you care about employees’ well-being, not just their productivity. 3/
#WeAreITM #HRTips
When problems arise, make sure to get full feedback from those involved. This helps you identify the biggest issues and obstacles, while strengthening connection and encouraging communication. 4/
#WeAreITM #HRTips
Research shows that holding employees accountable for achievable goals improves performance.
Involve your employees in decisions where their input could be valuable; asking for suggestions, can help maximize a sense of empowerment, progress, and ownership. 5/
To demonstrate their mastery of a particular task or skill, ask an employee to explain to their colleagues what they’re working on or why they chose a particular strategy.
Set up check-ins to regularly discuss progress on individual goals and create strategies to meet them. 6/
3. Autonomy
Effective leaders foster internal motivation by empowering employees’ sense that they are the authors of their actions and have the power to make choices that are aligned with their own values, goals, and interests, as well as their team’s. 7/
#WeAreITM #HRTips
Leaders should encourage autonomy, self-initiation and participation.
For example, you could ask a team member: “What part of this project can you see yourself leading?” 8/
#HRTips #WeAreITM
Avoid controlling language (“Get this to me by tomorrow!”) and minimize coercive controls like unrealistic deadlines and constant monitoring of your employees. 9/
#HRTips #WeAreITM
Instead, find ways to motivate them through encouragement and positive feedback, such as, “I know it’s a tight deadline, but having your skills on this team will be so helpful to our client.” 10/
#HRTips #WeAreITM
Be transparent by providing the rationale behind demands
People are more willing to put in their full effort when they understand why a given task is important.
Employees who feel coerced will often comply with a boss’s orders without whole-heartedly committing to excellence. /11
No matter what the circumstances are, we are most energized and committed when we are internally motivated by our own values, sense of enjoyment, and growth — in short, internal motivation inspires us to be our best selves. 12/
#HRTips #WeAreITM
By practicing this theory, leaders will be able to help their employees be engaged and feel valued at work, (relatedness), feel motivated by growth (competence), and feel empowered and confident in their skills (autonomy). 13/
#HRTips #WeAreITM
Source: HBR (Anne M. Bradford, Richard M. Ryan)
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