COVID19 isn’t the only outbreak we are dealing with. It’s diarrhea season and diarrhea numbers are steadily going up. Every year we lose children to diarrhea and every year it makes me angry. We are not doing enough.
The commonest cause of diarrhea I’m children is viral- most commonly rotavirus. That’s true anywhere in the world. A few years ago Botswana started vaccinating for rotavirus and there was a drastic drop in number of deaths from diarrhea.
The last couple of years diarrhea has had an uptick. Even though the commonest cause is viral, there are a significant number of children who get diarrhea from bacteria. The thing that kills is severe dehydration. Little kids can poop out a percentage of their weight in 1 stool!
Rotavirus is mostly a kids disease. They pass it to each other... you know how they are: hands in diaper then straight to the mouth or straight to the mouth of their friend 🙄😂🤣
Bacterial causes of diarrhea are found in adult stool as well. So WASH YOUR HANDS with soap and water after using the bathroom before touching anything to do with your kids. If there’s only one thing you take away: WASH YOUR HANDS!!!
All diarrhea is treated first and foremost with fluids. You’re losing fluids, so you need to replace fluids. If you child develops diarrhea, get ORS from the clinic or pharmacy and make sure they drink! They need to take in their losses PLUS what they would be taking in normally
So fluids fluids fluids! First. If they don’t want to eat, that’s fine but they must DRINK. ORS is good because it contains water, sugar and salts, which is what they are losing. They need all 3 replaced, not just water.
Small sips at a time. Frequent sips. You can do popsicles or icecubes of ORS if they are big enough. If they are vomiting, or not keeping up with how much they are losing, they take them to the clinic. Zinc is given to shorten the course of the diarrhea.
Danger signs include excess lethargy, change in breathing pattern, blood in stools, refusal or inability to take any liquid orally. Or if you are worried about anything, go to the clinic. First treatment will be fluids, either through the mouth/tube in stomach or IV.Always fluids
So, parents: teach each other. Wash your hands with soap and water. Wash your kids’ hands. Keep kids away from school if they have diarrhea. Replace fluids early. Take kids to the clinic early if you’re worried. #DrUnaTips
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