Okay I don't do this but seeing a lot of things today that made me write this.... So many people are saying that this stint of sidharth in bb house is earning him hatred from neutral audiences...i thought to clear few things... First of all I don't think any social++
media audience is neutral... They are always biased for someone or sometimes they are trolls... Also if you are saying this by looking at comment sections of fb, twitter and insta please note that more often then not they are filled with negativity only++
especially after whole ssr and boycott Bollywood thing... If you go under any post on promos of bb, u will see negative comments it's not specific to sidharth....of course his promos draw maximum attention and hence maximum negativity
For me neutral audiences are the one who does not form opinion based on social media and are away from Stan life... I have heard mostly positive responses from them...most of my friends and family are enjoying his stay including my mother who keeps saying that ++
Sidharth kuch na kuch karke hasi laa hi deta h episode me varna to boring ho jaata...my brother who was a asim fan also says that he is liking sidharth a lot this time.... so don't get affected by negativity....of course there will be haters but it's not like ++
They will overpower the fans... Enjoy this few days of seeing unfiltered raw @sidharth_shukla we don't know when we will see him like this.... His fandom is not limited to social media and he is not a newcomer whose career will get affected easily... Let's enjoy this time and ++
deal with whatever happens later❤❤
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