My “big picture” conceptual model (as of October 2020) is quite simple: Wherever there’s physical presence of the virus, it will work through the pool of susceptibles until burnout. Susceptibility (mostly to severe disease) is driven largely by Vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D (in the multitude of its forms) acts as immune regulation master switch of sorts (not a binary kind of switch, mind you).
(Tens of thousands of people w/ auto-immune diseases know this, the medical mainstream at large will figure it out [and probably “always have known it”] in 10-20 years.)
Everyone should be (at least dimly) aware of the central role Vitamin D plays in immune regulation and know the basics of Vitamin D dynamics in order to protect themselves and people they care about.
People have tried so hard to get through to governments, mostly in vain, I fear (not a surprise, w/ all the noise surrounding the pandemic); I’m not aware of a single well-organized nation-scale awareness program.
That’s why you have to care for yourself and people close to you (both in an emotional and a physical sense). Your good levels (likely) also protect others, others’ good levels also protect you (if we assume that severity of infection has _some_ relationship to infectiousness).
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