Today, you might see a lot of anxious and distressed UK trans people on your timeline. Let’s talk about why. In short, NHS waiting times for trans healthcare can be as high as four years. This pushes many to private. Terfs just effectively shut down a major private provider.
So yeah, depending on where in the UK you are, it can take up to four years just got a first NHS appointment at a Gender Identity Clinic, because the system is under funded and over stretched. If you’re mid puberty, four years can do irreparable change, and feel like hell.
So, a lot of people on that waiting list turn to private healthcare out of desperation. Folks not wanting to spend literal years watching their body change against their will while they sit on a waiting list.
Gender GP is one of these private options. Have a phone or Skype consult with a doctor, get prescribed hormones, get them posted to your door. For many it’s a way to have some sense of control, when the NHS is years from even a first appointment to see you.
Yesterday, the UK newspapers ran a hit piece representing Gender GP as a route for people to rush through to hormones before the NHS has seen a person and had a say. Zero acknowledgement of the huge waiting lists on the NHS or acknowledgement of the effects waiting can have.
The piece did not acknowledge that the market for Gender GP only exists because fast access to treatment as a trans person prevents irreversible first puberty changes, and the NHS is making people wait inhumanly long for help.
The fall out today, Gender GPs pharmacist is refusing to send hormones prescribed to trans people, because of the newspaper hit piece painting them as complicit in “rushing kids into transition” etc.
Hundreds of UK trans people woke to the news their access to hormones is gone.
Now, for those people who are on hormones, and who were feeling better on them, this could be hugely distressing. Some changes may revert. Some may experience menopause. It’s going to be scary and traumatic for many.
Gender GP are trying to sort an alternative pharmacy, but yeah, be kind to your UK trans siblings today, a lot of them just lost their only legal access route to hormones.
Tldr - Terfs said “we saw parents on forums looking into private trans healthcare because the NHS is slow. That means private option is rushing kids into transition, shut it down”, and basically overnight thousands of UK trans people lost their access to hormones.
I had to come off estrogen for six weeks pre surgery. I know how horrid cold turkey cutting HRT can be. I went through literal menopause symptoms and huge mental unrest. I didn’t feel like myself. Cutting trans people’s meds needlessly is heartless and inhuman.
For the friends I know who are impacted, I’m so sorry. If I can help in any way, please reach out.
Also, to be clear, there are major short and long term risks to cold turkey cutting hormones. The most obvious being drastically increased risk of Osteoperosis. Basically, take away a trans person's hormones out of nowhere, their risk of their bones breaking dramatically rises.
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