(1) Twitter, from what I know about it, is it's mainly a place where people come to share their opinions, and read others opinions. With this there comes an outpouring of backlash typically. Lots of profanity and impassioned rebuttals. Though, I've decide I'd like to talk too.
(2) Even come hellfire & brimstone. Even if too, not a single individual lends their eyes to my words.
Because, fundamentally, I feel it would be wrong to not talk, even if the only audience I speak to is myself and I.
(3) Thus, I've decided I'd like to talk about things from my perspective/my concerns, regarding the current #healthcrisis we're all experiencing. I am not a doctor, nor am I a scientist. I am but merely a citizen of the United states.
(4)Something I cannot even begin to say with an ounce of pride, personally. Which to some may be a statement warranting outright repulsion or exasperation. But I'm not necessarily here to dispel or coerce anyone who identifies with any particular ideology to align theirs with me.
(5) I'm merely here to express what I believe is concerning and wrong, and do so honestly about how I feel and view things; and to retell my experiences amidst these troubling times. Hopefully too, this'll raise concerns among anybody who has perhaps thought that the pandemic
(6) is coming to a slowed boil. Far from it, I'd say.
So to begin, I've had the experience of living in two different states during this pandemic. Which has left me privy to insight into both Florida, and Virginia— regarding my local districts.
(7) I will be leaving out certain details as to how I've lived in both these states to remain somewhat anonymous, and to avoid an unnecessary identity reveal.

But throughout my stays I've gone shopping, attended work, and I've stayed home.
(8) Regarding my public outings, I have seen hundreds of people without masks. Some with masks, but tucked beneath their noses. (Which defeats the very purpose of the mask.) I've seen many more gathered in large groups. Shaking hands, hugging, serving food, and so on.
(9) Acting as if though nothing is wrong. Smiling n' seemingly blithe. Which is incredibly off putting to me.
(10) I am not a political savant but I am aware that those who refuse to wear masks and interact so closely with others do not, 'believe,' in the severity of the pandemic. Some close family members of mine have confessed too, that they believe the pandemic is completely fake.
(11) And that all the deaths have been inflated, and are simply misrepresented statistics. That the hospitals' currently treating patients are what causes the influx of deaths we're seeing. Meaning, doctors utilizing defibrillators are purposefully killing patients to
create —
(12) pandemonium. Which, utterly baffles me. Angers me. It's completely outlandish and ill-informed. Nothing makes me more angry than unapologetic stupidity, if I'm being frank.

Misinformation, wherever it stems from, seems to be a pandemic in it of itself.
(13) It's definitely contributing to the further spread of #covid in my opinion. And I'm worried too, about how rampant it is. Seeing how many refuse to even wear a damned mask. Which, wearing a face mask to a majority of the masses has become to what seems to be a
(14) political party identification marker; like a badge of sorts. Which is very polarizing— and unneeded. Wearing a mask shouldn't be a show for whose policies you back. It's just basic decency. If it's advised by somebody who's spent their life dedicated to the study of science
(15) ,I'm listening to them.

Science shouldn't be political. And politicians shouldn't make scientific claims when they're unqualified to make such claims. They should listen to scientists. Which isn't inherently difficult.
(16) And also, I am aware some people are impaired, or have medical issues that lend themselves to having breathing difficulties. Which I completely understand. Such people I feel for, and encourage to stay home and have others run errands for them; to avoid exposing themselves
(17)needlessly to potentially infected individuals.
But there are those who exploit this. Those who take advantage of this reality that some people live with permanently and cannot fake. I have seen family members of mine claim that they have a breathing impairment—
(18)or a health condition, simply to avoid wearing a mask.
Even though in previous years they had no issues with wearing masks into hospitals. These are the same people I've seen spend hours in Halloween masks without a word of complaint, and thick bandana cloths wrapped round'
(19)their faces during the winter months.
Only now when it is politically charged (when it shouldn't be) do they protest and pretend that their breathing is impaired. Dangerous thinking, if I've ever seen it. They're participating in the spread of a disease due to sheer
(20)ineptitude, basically.

N' inability to think outside of their own implicit biases.

These same family members have encouraged me too, to pretend I have psychological issues that make me anxious— due to a claustrophobic feeling that, "arises," when I feel closed in.
(21)Which is disgusting in more ways than one.

But these experiences lead me to believe there are no doubt others who've seen or who've actively participated in activities such as those listed above. Which is horrifying.
(22) There is quite honestly a lot more to cover and express, but I've accumulated a headache of sorts writing this. If anyone out there sees this, please ask me questions, or shoot me a message. I want to have an active discussion and participate in discourse.
(23) < Apologies if this thread was worded sloppily. I'm not particularly gifted in the explanation department. >

I hope everyone stays healthy :)
Thank you for reading through if you did. I appreciate the effort.
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