China's mass domestic tourism in Xinjiang, negative opinion of "democratic countries", non existent concentration camps & Covid19. All are related.

50m Chinese tourists are flocking to Xinjiang at the moment. To visit concentration camps? Of course not. There's no such thing.
2/ Xinjiang is peaceful, colorful and prosperous attracting 200m domestic tourists a year.

Especially now Chinese know opinions of "democracies" are extremely negative about China.
3/They don't want to go visit such countries to incur public fury and be spat at. I don't know what kind of a genius PR stunt is that. That opinion poll is ordered by Pentagon or what to know if they could strike? Is it to give consent for aggression/war?
4/ This is war propaganda not good for trade and tourism. Guided by this survey, Chinese will travel less to these "democracies" and go to visit instead their beloved Xinjiang with its bling bling 5G "concentration camps" of excellent food,
5/ pretty friendly people who are not brainwashed against Han Chinese, where there's no massive ethnic tension contrary to Western fake news.

It's projected that domestic tourism will boom, because of the pandemic still raging abroad, reduced budget and world wide
6/China derangement syndrome.

I'm not sure why Australia on the one hand welcomes Chinese students and tourists while on the other hand emphatically tell the world "We hate you". That's PR sabotage.

Western governments and journalists don't even believe in
7/ concentration camps themselves. They know it's propaganda. If they really believed in it, isn't it odd why no MSM ( @bpolitics @bbc @viviana_mazza) are curious to know how 1-3 m imprisoned Uighurs are faring during the pandemic? The risk of infection must be huge.
8/ How is Xinjiang's zero Covid19 compatible with concentration camps? How did China do it? US had to mass release its prisoners. It's not just in the US, prisons worldwide became epicenters of Covid19 and prison riots occurred everywhere.
9/ Why isn't there any talk of #Uighurconcentrationcamps turning into Covid19 sanitary catastrophes?

Why nobody challenges this enormous hole in the fake story of concentration camps? Doesn't this precisely prove there's no concentration camp? US has concentration camps.
10/ Its prisons are concentration camps with its 2.5m detainees as well as its infamous refugee camps. In the US, refugees are locked up as prisoners, subject to enforced hysterectomy, frequent rape and are separated from their children.
11/ The Uighur concentration camp story is the US projection of its own heinous crimes onto China.

US is hit very hard by its concentration camps epicenters which largely contributed to the spread of the virus.
12/ Blessed are civilized and normal countries like China which has a tiny prison population. No concentration camps means no explosive epicenters of virus which facilitated China's effective Covid19 response.
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