So sorry for venting. :( Ppl just dont seem to 'get it'. This entire policy is a fake. It's new HR law and new monetary policy being rolled out by stealth + by a truly vicious party that has an undisclosed agenda. It's uncosted, except to count the bodies already in the ground.
When I read this bill and thought ' they have to be kidding', its SO bad and dangerous I had to ask why they are sabotaging their own policy. There is no way this will get through and if it does...well, that's line coming back from that.
I've rambled long enough. Apologies. I am just stunned really stunned how we could have ended up 'here', despite all our knowledge, our gifts, our struggles. I needed a rest from scouring acts and bills...a moment just to be human.
Thanks for bearing with me. - SNS2
.... A lot of our members are trauma survivors, and not just any trauma, holocaust survivors too. They told me this was how it started...that gov made laws about 'acceptable and non acceptable' people etc. This isn't some South African apartheid's worse that that.
This bill wont assimilate people into the wider system. It's specifically designed to keep them out of it. I dont care the lies they tell you all....I know this policy like my own mother. I comprehend this policy and I know what I am seeing.
This bill has all the worst features of the old bill and then several really huge additions that make it the tsar bomba it is. I wish I could explain or make you all see as I see, just how much power this bill will give LNP to crush everyone on payments, and inevitably, everyone.
The justifications they make and the lies and omissions they are using to project them, only make sense if you are pursuing fascism. I can go through each and every subsection and show you, connect the dots, but its all there.
Not just in the words and changes, its in the method.
It's also in the intention. Which is not the same as what they say they intend, but is written so clearly in this bill.
This bill IS the living embodiment of 'prosperity doctrine'. Which if you know your doctrines, is at root a fascistic political doctrine of nationalist origins.
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