I just realized that TROS treads the same ground TLJ already covered by having Finn try & sacrifice his life... This film is filled with recontextualized scenes from TLJ it fundamentally misunderstands instead of creating something new & fresh that TLJ paved the way for.
Rian literally did the ROTJ showdown in TLJ so that Episode IX could avoid it & have a new fresh conclusion to the saga we've come to love... Instead JJ goes & does the ROTJ showdown anyways...
Instead of understanding why Rian did what he did with the force bond scenes JJ/Terrio automatically made it into a fighting thing when it was always meant to be intimate & personal for them. This is just one of the many examples of JJ/Terrio thematically misunderstanding TLJ.
TLJ promised us Force Ghost Luke & Ben/Kylo scenes in a very on the nose way. TROS does not even think about doing this nor does Luke ever even reference him even though the entire reason he went into exile was because of the guilt caused by how he let his nephew down.
This brings us to how TROS never acknowledges Luke's sacrifice & never shows us or tells us that is the reason the entire galaxy shows up. Luke's sacrifice is made pointless by the fact it is never acknowledged & what it meant for the galaxy.
The dyad. It had immense potential. The idea of Ben & Rey facing down Palpatine was amazing. It narratively & thematically meant something. Instead it is used as a power up & Ben is thrown down a pit never having the chance to face Palpatine to avenge his bloodline.
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