I was actually afraid to be honest and tell people that I'm a transwoman. I fear that some of my subs and viewers would go away and all but then I realized, if people were to leave me with the reason of that well I don't want people like them in my community.
I can't say that I was dishonest coz I never said that I'm biologically female. You see me, you see a woman, end of story.
but I would truly understand if some or a lot would unfollow me on twitch and on all my socials because of this. I never put it on my bio coz I didn't think it was necessary or maybe I was just afraid.
This thread was triggered by a random guy I met 3-4 weeks ago. Yesterday while we were on a voice chat , I told him the truth, he didn't ask about it, I just wanna be true to people who I feel trust, He was a good guy till he knew about it.
He told me that I'm fake, an imposterand all those transphobic slurs AAANDDD he even called me a fucking robot just because I'm post-op. It's just so SAD that it's already 2020 and some people still don't understand what a transwoman is.
before that he was all over me and everything then I realized after all of that... I don't need people like that in my community. I blocked him before he can block me or whatever.
I came to a realization that we cannot really please everyone. The right people will gravitate towards us once we are not afraid to show them who we really are.
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