The reason you want a direct answer on court packing is exactly why Biden won't give one.
If the Republicans slam through the greatest ideological shift in the court in at least 30 years five days before the election by wheeling in a bunch of active COVID cases just to meet quorum...
and there is a decent chance Biden wins five days later by 12 points, with 413 electoral votes, and Democrats have 55 senators and 250 representatives, why would he promise now that there will be no consequences?
And if he is open to packing, why would he lay out a proposal now and give the Republicans an explicit price tag for their actions and a bloody shirt for their base, for something he may not be able to deliver?

How stupid do you think he is?
Biden is showing the GOP that the snake has red stripes. He is not going to tell them if it is a coral snake or a king snake.
But, the GOP, whenever the Counterrevolution fails to emerge: "What if we tried more justices?" 
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