If you're struggling with apathy, and can't find a reason to go an vote, here's a few songs that might help you out of that, starting here:
have one more:
a different genre:
back to punk:
another minor threat song, because they're that important:
another bad religion song because it's on point for tonight:
first rollins band entry, second henry rollins appearance:
Second zach de la roche appearance:
some post hardcore from my favorite canadian band:
more DK:
double header of sepultura, pt. 1:
pt. 2:
environmentally based as always, gojira:
big awakening song for me:
this helped too:
If this doesn't make you want to rip the sky apart and replace it with something better, I don't know what will:
this too:
If you were looking for even more motivation to restructure the U.S. Government:
If you hate yourself, and you don't want to:
There were more than a few genre changes throughout this thread, so hopefully you've found something that incenses you enough to get to work on the problem's we're facing. Feel free to leave your own list below:
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