It's easier for white folk to interrupt Black folk. It's easier for men to interrupt women. Most people aren't as good at standing up for their airtime as Kamala Harris or Maxine Waters.

So if your team has a culture of interrupting, you are guaranteeing sub-optimal idea flow.
If your culture is "Everyone interrupt everyone!" The ideas that get surfaced, backed, and implemented, will tend to be less good, whiter, and male-er.

You are responsible for moderating written, spoken, and non-verbal, communication on your team, and at your company.
On the interrupty team, the ideas will be less good not because it's missing womens' "different perspective." Maybe a little, but that's not the primary flaw.

The flaw: good ideas tend to be evenly distributed, and you source 100% of dude ideas, but only ~10% of non-dude ideas.
Just by fixing this one thing, you'll notice a change in your definition of who is considered a leader on your team, or at your company. You'll change the criteria for the better, and in the direction of inclusion. 👍🏿
You can follow @mekkaokereke.
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