having adhd is never wanting to mention how you actually have a mental disability that makes your day-to-day life an exhausting struggle because everyone will just invalidate you for the sake of edgy humour by responding “HA, omg same” #ADHDAwarenessMonth
It’s also constantly being told that you’re not trying hard enough even though you have to work 1000x harder than neurotypicals to just be a functioning human being
It’s also focussing on everything and nothing at the same time because your brain is doing 10 different things on its own (internally), never mind all the other exciting things physically happening around you
But it’s also hyper-focussing on the most random tasks/concepts because that’s what your brain feels like doing in that moment regardless of what’s actually important or time-sensitive (cuz tf is time?? I don’t know how to measure that)
It’s also feeling insane because your brain is under-stimulated but also exhausted from being hyper-stimulated all day
It’s also getting sudden bursts of productivity and passion and acting on it but then not being able to finish anything ie. this thread
You can follow @mynameismerryam.
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