he didn’t but go off https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1314037081392525312
also p.s the reason why i set this to so only y’all can reply is bc i’m tired of dealing with immature and stupid trump supporters.
also also, a man who dodged so many questions and wasted his time going off on tangents and disrespecting kamala, a black woman who has fought for america for years, makes him a big winner? congratulations, here’s a lollipop. make it make sense fucker.
i’m not saying kamala didn’t either, she did, but she did it less than pencil did. i want someone as our leader who is honest with america, who will fight for the rights of african americans, hispanics and other minorities. and that person is NOT trump.
it never has been trump and it will never be trump. he doesn’t care about the minorities, calling MY people rapists and criminals (i’m a latina/white) and he certainly doesn’t give two shits about african americans either.
proud boys stand by. he refused to condemn white supremacists. he doesn’t care about anyone but himself and his administration. that’s right. he doesn’t care about his citizens. and he never will. that’s why we need biden and harris.
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