Trump & supporters are not conservatives in the traditional sense that Taft, Hoover, Goldwater, Nixon, were. They are better called Regressives. The America of their MAGA slogan is the America of 1787, where only rich white men could vote, women were chattel & slavery was legal.
2/ Schooling beyond 2nd grade was only for the privileged with few exceptions & forbidden for slaves, child labor was allowed & encouraged, there were no unions, no worker, consumer, or environmental protections, and duelling was legal.
3/ The southern states of Virginia, North & South Carolina, and Georgia had as much social and political clout as the rest of the 13 states, perhaps more, as 4 of the first 5 presidents were from Virginia and they were slaveholders.
4/ Blacks, free or slave, counted as only 3/5 a person for census purposes, the killing of Native Americans was common & was encouraged, and gays didn't exist, since our modern concept was born in the late 19th century. But same sex relations could carry the death penalty.
5/ So this is what the America in MAGA means -- an anachronistic set of beliefs in a time that will never exist again, just as the Roman Empire, the Aztec Empire and the Kingdom of Judea are dusty history.
These people are blind. They are foolish. And they are dangerous.
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