I wasn't going to tweet about the #VPDebate but hearing Pence say "He has Jewish grandchildren" set me the fuck off. I have mixed family members, darker skinned family members. I stand with all of them consistently to condemn racism at every opportunity. It does not matter (1/?)
Who you family is, who your friends are, who you associate with. It matters what YOUR ACTIONS ARE. WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR VOICE. So what his family is Jewish? He's not. His actions have not stood with the group he swears to protect. IT. DOES. NOT. FUCKING. MATTER. (2/2)
You know what, I'm continuing with this thread, fuck it, I'm angry. Fuck this shitty idea of your name meaning anything. I don't care what family you come from, I don't care who your family is or what they are. I want to know about YOU. ARE YOU A GOOD PERSON? Can I trust YOU?
Twitter has been going on and on about Claudia Conway. This is that perfect example- one's family name does not represent them whatsoever. Look at how she constantly speaks out, speaks up and stands up. That's an ally and it does not matter who her parents are. It's what she does
that counts in the end. I don't fucking care if you have a black friend or black family. I care that you're standing THE FUCK UP and you're NOT. Fuck you, Donald Trump.
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