Thread: A Proud Boy who uses the N-word and calls #BlackLivesMatter protesters monkeys reveals that he is a heavily armed bigot in a violent frame of mind who serves as a Chicagoland police officer.
In response to my tweets on the arrest of Proud Boy Alan Swinney in Portland, OR -- who faces felony charges, including assaulting #BlackLivesMatter protesters with a gun -- self-described Proud Boy @RoFonDetum made a true threat against me. Twitter suspended @RoFonDetum.
However, in violation of Twitter's Terms of Service, he has operated sock puppet accounts to harass me. These include @DetumRonnie (suspended), @RDetum3 (suspended), and @JonBlackQ17P (under investigation by Twitter).
Some of this Proud Boy's supporters have threatened to doxx me, just as he has threatened to doxx #BlackLivesMatter supporters.
Based on his Twitter handle @JonBlackQ17P, it appears that his first name may be Jon, perhaps short for Jonathan. We'll call him Jon. (Good name.)
Jon says he is a Trump supporter, registered to vote in Illinois; that he lives in a "suburb far outside Chicago"; that he hangs out at the Ikea in Bolingbrook; and that he owns several guns, including an AR and a Glock 17, for which he carries an Illinois Concealed Carry Permit.
Jon has tweeted photos of guns that he takes to a local shooting range, including rifles fitted with suppressors. These suppressors would be legal for an Illinois police officer to own. But not for most ordinary civilians.
And while using the N-word, in the context of tweeting about police shootings of Black people, Jon has identified himself as a Chicagoland cop. For example, here is a screenshot of a tweet that Jon has since deleted.
Tweeting from his iPhone, Jon refers to #BlackLivesMatter protesters as monkeys.
In response to @BLMChicago tweeting that there should be "rules against police doxxing" people who are entitled to a presumption of innocence, Jon replied, "Maybe we should be doxxing these BLM-assbags."
Jon admits that even though he lives in a quiet neighborhood way outside Chicago, he wishes #BlackLivesMatter protesters would go away, so that he could stop "wasting CS canisters" on them. These are gas cannisters used by law enforcement to disperse crowds.
Jon laughs when protesters face felony charges, gloating that if convicted, they will lose their right to vote.
When young organizers demanded the release of arrested protesters, Jon tweeted "yeah let them out... so we can follow them home in our 'unmarked' Goon mobiles."
Jon tweeted that he is "sick of seeing all the dumbasses wearing BLM" and Juneteenth messages at work. He likes to wear his Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) hat to show he supports federal officers and "Goon unmarked van rides."
Sometimes, when he is off-duty, Jon likes to squat in his inflatable pool in his fenced-in yard and fondle his fancy rifle.
Sometimes, even though he has a six-year-old boy, Jon stages his unsecured rifles and handguns with open boxes of ammunition so he can photograph them with his... What's that in the corner? A chest rig with patches? What do those patches say about him?
Jon's photo of the chest rig shows a patch that reads POLICE, and others that show the wearer supports Blue Lives Matter, has an A-positive blood type, and has No Known Drug Allergies (NKDA).
Jon's tweets suggest that he has spent time in an international neighborhood frequented by tourists and GIs in Seoul. And that he is a Chicagoland police officer who has participated in urban combat training (possibly as a role player) in Zussman Village in Fort Knox, Kentucky.
You can follow @JonHutson.
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