oh fuck time to thread some debate memes and callouts and jokes and sadness
god i hate debates b/c they rely so much on cognitive biases and just a whole bunch of really manipulative argumentative shit

pence literally just said that kamala's critique of the federal gov's covid response is disrespectful to american citizens lol
he's relying SO HARD on trying to spin it as though criticizing the federal government means kamala is disrespecting the "sacrifices" that americans have had to make and i can't believe there exist dummies out there who are going to eat this shit up
ooo kamala is responding pretty well here by calling out pence on his whole "respecting the american people" manipulation, i'm happy to see this
pence really just told kamala to "stop playing politics with people's lives" this is some among us impostor manipulation lol
can't get over the fact that pence looks like an old and evil eminem
*in some ways* i think i'd prefer if kamala and pence were the presidential candidates, they're both individually much better in many ways than their ticket counterparts. how are trump and biden THAT OLD
this shit actually feels more like a debate and i promise the amount of memes resulting afterward will be significantly lower than we got a week ago
kamala smirk game strong
kamala calling out interruptions game strong
did pence just say wildflire or did i mishear
joe biden will not ban fracking. that is a fact. or as i like to call it, a frackt.
will a politician ever tell the truth and just be like "yes, we're going to spend a fuckton of money to clean up the environment because it's either we spend money now and fix it or we end the earth as we know it millions of years prematurely"
politicians really go out of their way to make it sound like nothing's ever cost money ever when idk i think it'd be dope if they were like "yes, this is going to cost money, but it's going to make quality of life so much better for everyone, including you"
after four "thank you mr. vice president"s imo it should escalate to "shut the FUCK UP MR. VICE PRESIDENT"
after five of those then they should actually cut the mic but idk if the technology exists yet
debates just feel so inherently performative. like this isn't how two people talk to seriously solve a problem at all. i think that would be interesting to see.
"i'll use a bit of my time to respond" - pence deviates from his tried and true strategy of instead using kamala's time to respond
pence thinking about how much he fucking hates abe lincoln now
"in fact 7 members of george w. bush's cabinet are supporting our ticket" yo uh kamala i dont think that uh-
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