This debate finna be đŸ”„though. Anticipating he memes, gifs and one-liners that will be born from this #VPDebate
*The* I’m too geekedđŸ˜©
Pence said that Trump acted w/the nation’s best interest regarding #COVID19 by stopping travel from China. I was at a rally in South Carolina in February where Trump also called the coronavirus pandemic a hoax #VPDebate
You respect the American people when yuh tell them the truth and give them information to protect themselves - @KamalaHarris on the Trump administration’s handling of information about the coronavirus pandemic #VPDebate #COVID19
. @KamalaHarris said she wouldn’t take a vaccine if Trump said to take it, reflecting the lack of trust many have in his administration. Pence told her to “stop playing politics w/people’s lives” that is all his administration & party have done during this pandemic #VPDebate
I knew the interruption of @KamalaHarris was coming. It was evident. The moderator allowed Pence to continue to derail the question and then tried to disrupt Harris when she was trying to finish. Lawd, to be a Black woman in America #VPDebate
“I would like equal time please” @KamalaHarris asking for equity to respond to a question. She sho had to ask because Pence KEEPS speaking past the allotted time. Moderator JUST SAID he had more time than Harris and 🗣HE’S STILL TALKING🗣 #VPDebate
I appreciate the abortion question asked by the moderator. But did I miss the answers? Did they answer it? Am I trippin? #VPDebate
Pence just said let the record reflect that Harris didn’t answer the question. Mane, the way both of them talked around abortion though... #VPDebate
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