if you are a californian telling other californians to vote for biden but haven’t uttered a word about how vital it is we vote NO on Prop 22, consider changing course!
prop 22 would prevent full time workers in the gig economy from being deemed employees and maintain their status as “contractors,” which excludes them from benefits like healthcare, retirement plan, stock options and the ability to take paid vacation and sick leave
it’s hard to overstate just how much money tech is pouring into intentionally confusing and blasphemous advertising. if workers were actually helped by Prop 22, Uber wouldn’t have spent $47.5 million so far on the Yes the campaign...
also as @Rachel_Reyes and @safrazie (who are way smarter than me) point out, Prop 22 would require a 7/8th threshold to amend if it passes (making it nearly impossible for voters to repeal later) and other companies would prob try to become app-based to avoid providing benefits
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