Want more celestials for your #DnD games? Tired of generic angels or haughty eladrins? Gather 'round and let me tell you about D&D's holy anthropomorphic animals, the paragons of Neutral Good known as the Guardinals! (3e illo by Wayne Reynolds). 1/x
Guardinals were created in 2e's Planescape setting to be the exemplars of Elysium, the NG plane. Other exemplars include the CE demons, LE devils, NE yuguloths, LG archons, and CG eladrins.
The weakest of the bunch were the fast Avorals, bird-like humanoids that served as scouts and messengers. (2e Avoral by @TonyDiTerlizzi). 3/x
Next up were the Cervidals, satyr-like foot soldiers of Good, and the Lupinals, the ones most likely to hunt down fiends in other planes. (3e illo by Emily Fiegensuch). 4/x
A late 3e addition was the Musteval, a Tiny mouse-like celestisl fit to serve as a familiar or companion. (couldn't find an artist credit) 5/x
Now we're getting to the nobility. Equinals were the knights of the Guardinals. Imagine a horse-headed minotaur, except more powerful.
Leonals were the lion-like leaders of the Guardinals, and could go toe-to-toe with pit fiends. (2e illo by @TonyDiTerlizzi) 6/x
The lorekeepers of the Guardinals were the bear-like Ursinals (maybe @GailSimone is one?). They were physically strong, but preferred to use their intellects. (2e illo by @TonyDiTerlizzi 7/x
Guardinals were solely concerned with helping people as fostering Good actions. #Planescape was known for its many factions, and one of them were inspired by the Guardinals. The Guardians wore animal-like masks as symbols of the type of Guardinal they emulate. (illo by me) 8/8
I did counters for the Avoral and Leonal. Maybe @1jamesbell can post them here?
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