aight i’m done with the hets, a thread of dean being bisexual because he is in fact bi <3 (inspo from all the tweets on the tl)
dean looking at cupid’s 👁👁
explain this heteros 🤨
literally this
i have no explaination except bisexuality
none of this was a normal het reaction
reminds me of when they would tease me about a boy and i’d get mad knowing i like them 🥱
this can literally go caption less
idk man the bi lighting is getting a little fishy in here
i’m just saying
when dean broke into naomis office we got more!!!bi!!lighting!!!
deans all for being a big brother but the second cas goes “dean” suddenly sam is ok but bf isn’t 🙄🙄🙄
not to mention because i say so <3
it literally looks like dean is touching cas’s face and no one does that unless their in love HENCE bi dean idc idc
gender neutral terms but this can be debatable ig
there’s a difference from admiring and from being LITERALLY FLUSTERED IN A MANS PRESENCE
this gif in general like wtf does this mean.
very well said
aight i flirted with all my friends and now look at me, gay.
jared saying that dean would like to sleep with a man but then adds “wink wink” 😹😹
explain these photos huh 🤔🤨🧐
anyways support canon bi dean or i’ll eat your liver🥺
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