Every individual goes to their deathbed having lost to ethics. I'm gonna keep on saying it.

There is no ethical relation, &

Ethics is the end of history.

Why? Because so much of ethics depends on the intersection of acculturation, location, epistemology, & [cost of] desire.
2)The effects of that mixture is unpredictable, because they are heterogeneously unique to each subject.

Ethics as non-relation & the end of history doesn't mean it's something to be overcome as an object. It means it is the cancer that has already killed you in advance.
3)Not because it is inherently bad, or even evil, but because its only purpose for existence *is* you, the subject.

Ethics lives for subjectivity. To be the impedance that destroys it over & over & over in an endlessly spiraling repetition with no resolution.
4)Ethics is the pure cost of being alive. The cross to bear that is not a sacrifice -- just pure pain.

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