All right big thread of the night, tonight I'm going to cover a comic, a video game tie in comic, and well if you didn't know what it was before. I hinted at it. Well here's the full cover.
I will BE ALSO COVERING ALL THREE OF THEM TONIGHT! Because there are three of them and my god there is ONLY ONE REALLY GOOD one. Yeah I know who would have thought. To be fair Minecraft is a hard thing to adapt.
also @The_X_Button REQUESTED to me that I count how many round things are in each volume. I did.
Here's the breakdown. Number are estimated based on many things don't match the style
Wither with you-299
So I'm going to be honest here I very rarely talk about artists I don't like. One I don't like being like being like other comic people who go "ugh Liefeld" but there is one artist who style make me go no, dear god no. and that is Sarah Graley.
Now her style to me is like sugar, too much sugar. Like it also feels stiff as hell and trying to be a meme at time. You can look at some expressions that have that feel I will showcase later. But if you told you this was an American adaption of Dot Hack, would you believe me?
It's not anything like Dot hack, but the whole point is that nothing screams Minecraft in design right away. It lacks any of the style or look besides some blocks. The first Minecraft comic makes it about a guild of gamers trying to cheer up a friend.
ONE huge problem with the comic is the phoning in, in my opinion these character are just bland. The only character I can tell are different are the gay ones. Which is the only thing I know about them and I feel bad but this is modern character writing apparently.
The comic is also plagued by what I call low stakes, there is not much really that drives the story, for example on of the guild has moved away and he think that he is losing touch, which is actually a good conflict, it's solved in five pages.
This also has the She-ra graphic novel problem of having WOEFULLY TERRIBLE action scene. We live in a world where Sal Buceme exists and the modern creators can't draw action for CRAP when it happens.
*Exalted it unfair that your comparing a comic made by one of the greats to this kids tie in comic?
Fine Transformers. If you going to do action be good at it or at least try.
But besides that the comic is kind of a void it's very hard to not just care because it's so good vibes sugar. Oh WE SUPPORT OUR FRIEND AND NEVER TRASHTALK HIM. SUPPORT SUPPORT. This comic is so get along gang and that comparison makes me ashamed. Mostly because I know about it.
Jokes aside Sarah is also kind of a terrible artist for Minecraft. For one she's doesn't capture the look at FUCKING all most of the time unless she has to draw one of the monsters, Everything is mostly round, and not straight, it's like Sonic comics trying to draw like Jim Lee.
Because weird part about Minecrafts look at this point is Iconic for people, and the comic does not get that feel across because while there is some building this is mostly an adventure comic about FRIENDS, and it could be any comic.
Seriously any page I can go too is just like is this Minecraft and I would have to be like, maybe? It's so generic to the point that if you remove the elements of it you can't tell.
Now I'm not going to pretend that giving Minecraft a story is easy. It's kind of hard since the games are sandboxes where you can do anything in any mode. There is some hard lore here and there but it's not a focus. I mean the Telltale game tries I guess.
but this comic is nothing, it's a void of conflict, I can sum it up, friend moves away, friend still part of guild, he is sad, friend go on adventure, they win. Two of them are gay. That is it.
This is also giving me Crt+alt+del vibes, because its feels sometimes the expressions are pasted on. While the characters look different it's like she constantly does the same poses and faces.
the comic ends and out GUILDERs go on to have another adventure like nothing changed. Honestly it didn't this comic nothing happens, I will admit this is the best way of maybe doing Minecraft make it about players playing it but ugh.
I also found out this is getting a sequel. Will I cover the comic that DARES TO TACKLE bullying? Nope. Well maybe. One of them better turn into Venom and become an ally to the hero. Just saying.
The Second Minecraft comic is better not by MUCH but better. For one More squares, for second this one ditches the players and is in universe for as much as Minecraft can have continuity but it's better in some ways.
For one look at the environments. This feels more in line and is doing more stuff then what Sarah was doing. For one this also has a bit more personality, big issue I have with the art is I can tell that Scott Pilgrim was a HUGE influence on them.
The story in this one is that the two heroes mentor is capture by a Wither and they have to go rescue him. I do like the creators more expressive style having ONLY the characters be normal while the world is blocky.
It is highly inconsistent about it, this style is better but it has the hallmarks of being inspired more by other styles and being very derivative but I do like the more earthy colors. Just you know I can tell you watch anime.
Still I don't feel this comic has enough plot for 80 pages, the hunters meet a new ally who has a curse and it becomes about accepting her issues which is fine. Like this comic is better but not by much just has a little more appealing art.
The comic should probably be more an annual. But we do see the artist make the comic and you can tell they actually did try and the effort is APPRECIATED they got official perch for reference plus they have nice choices in figures.
the third and LAST one I've covering tonight, is the anthology. A bunch of creators do short stories set in Minecraft a world? Can I really call it a setting? Like I don't know the Minecraft metaverse.
Now here are the creators of this eh comic. Some of these are fine but I'm going to spotlight the LAST one. Because it does something no other Minecraft story does. Take it seriously.
A strange shore is an unexpected comic, mostly because it takes the BASIC idea of the games and just tells that story. Honestly this most compelling piece of Minecraft fiction I've seen.
*Exalted why is that?
It's a silent 10 page story that just shows you what Minecraft was intended to get across. A story of someone who with nothing and him using the tools around them to build something better.
Because it kind of does the ALL Star Superman thing of just making the best version of it, rather then make it a meme. This was written by Ian Flynn who apparently is good at Video game comics if judging by his Sonic and Megaman work.
The comics are okay you might like some but honestly they are just fine. Nothing to eh in them. It's just he only good one I would keep is the Ian FLynn one. It just worked.
that it's for the Mine craft comics I save the worst for the first but yeah. I don't know why this was good for comics because honestly it's hard to imagine a story unless it was a player making it up. Ian might be the only one who was like what is Minecraft going for and did it.
When this comes out I might cover the bullying Minecraft comic because these are the preview pages. These look like they have potential to be very special. PLUS MORE ROUND THINGS TO COUNT!
But this is also to preview something someone did request of me and I'm going to bump it up sometime this month because it's Halloween. Do you like horrible main characters and squishy potato people? No of course not this comics is painful to me.
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