Colour blindness: a thread. I’m colour blind and I’ve noticed that people have trouble comprehending what that means. Here are some photos to help you see the world the way I do.
The left photo in each pair is how you “colournormies” see things. The right image is how I see the same scene. Just to be clear: I can’t tell the difference between them. They look identical to me.
My colour blindness is a type called strong Deutan, aka red-green colour blindness. It’s a genetic condition. Some of the colour receptive cones in my eyes don’t register the red spectrum very well.
Left pic: your world; Right pic: my world.
It doesn’t affect my life too much. I have trouble seeing rainbows, can’t tell what you mean by “it’s the brown car”, & can’t pick strawberries. I wear mostly dark colours.
Left: full colour; Right: my colour
About 1 in 12 men & 1 in 200 women have some colourblindness. Special glasses can help but sometimes create other colour problems.
Left: your vision; Right Dave-o-Vision
I took these photos and ran them through Photoshop’s colourblindness proofing tool. It’s for designers to find out if colourblind people can see wayfaring signs for hospitals and airports; charts & graphs; etc.
1: colour-whoa; 2: colour-low
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