For @ArrestsLet

Let's talk about something to which I've alluded a few times.

I'm sure that @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS would understand the points I'll make.

Here's the request:
I believe that this is Armageddon.


Things are more complex than that simple statement.

I don't believe that this is the end of the world.

My view is that of J. Dwight Pentecost, who said that Armageddon is a CAMPAIGN, not a single battle.
I'll go further than Pentecost and say that the campaign continues forever, as long as there are humans alive anywhere.

It's a never-ending battle of good versus evil.

Now, what is MY OWN belief system?
Rather than get specific, I'll just say that I'm a theist.

I believe in God.

But I don't belong to any organized religion, and I don't follow any known theological or spiritual path.

I've seen evidence that I'm on the right path FOR ME, so that's all that matters.
Under the right circumstances and with the right people, I'd discuss my beliefs in detail.

But generally it's a trap that I avoid.

Too many of us are threatened by others' beliefs, so we react with hostility or condescension.

Here's a rule of thumb:
If you attack others for their beliefs or non-beliefs, you're not doing it right.

Now, a DEBATE is perfectly fine, of course.

Personally I'm not interested, but I know that people agree to debate their beliefs or non-beliefs all the time.

Not a problem.
What I detest is someone innocuously expressing a point of view and getting hammered for it.

If you're secure in your point of view, you don't look for fights.

But if others ATTACK your point of view, it's legitimate to defend it.

I avoid the whole issue.

Back to Armageddon.
It's clear that there's a supernatural element to the ever-increasingly deranged and vocal hatred of Trump and his supporters.

Did you see THIS?

Leftists hate Trump so much that now THIS is being normalized.
The comments on #ScreamHere are hilarious.

And absolutely disgusting.

The only word for hating someone FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER is evil.

Jane Fonda is evil.
"'I just think that COVID is God’s gift to the Left,' Jane Fonda said. 'That’s a terrible thing to say.'"
The pinnacle of using dead people as political props.


But the political left is now totally devoted to destruction.
"Never let a crisis go to waste."


Evil always loses.


Compare the message of leftists to the message of Donald John Trump:

How can he lose?

You know the answer.


Good always wins in the campaign of Armageddon.

It loses BATTLES but not the war.

The war doesn't end, because it can't.

Every now and then the battles get HUGE.
But have you noticed?

Each huge battle is smaller than the last.

Were on an upward trajectory.

You have to pull back far enough to see it.

Think of it as the side of a mountain.
Closeup view versus the big picture.
I think the human condition is one of constant improvement.

Look how fast the world has changed since 2016.

But Armageddon will continue.

Evil will always exist.

That's just the nature of human nature.
You can't have light without darkness.

THIS darkness is STUPID.

Laugh at it.

Mock it.

This is a GREAT movie for laughing at evil.

I highly recommend it.

You'll be pleasantly surprised.

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