i only see one person on my feed posting about derek chauvin and being released on bail for murder. speak the fuck up

instead of rting this, RT my past RTs, sign petitions, text “FLOYD” to 55156 & “JUSTICE” to 668366, go through this thread https://twitter.com/CJYNZ/status/1313929782762123271
i might add on to this thread, but this one too. please remember to turn off adblock if you do this, the ad revenue is HOW they're making money https://twitter.com/getmunkd/status/1313942186849906691
this is more or less becoming a "what can you do?" thread. i'll be boosting crowdfunds for black people, threads of information, etc.

feel free to reply with any links you'd like me to boost (p*ypal, v*nmo, c*shapp, gfm)
find your local BLM chapter and donate to them! donate to local organizations and bail funds please. chances are that your local orgs probably aren't getting nearly as much revenue as the big nationwide ones.

DON'T DONATE TO http://CHANGE.ORG  ! it goes to the site owners
https://twitter.com/altpnk/status/1302117915597119492 SUPPORT BLACK TRANS CREATIVES
https://twitter.com/KambabaJasper/status/1313991191873060865 #blackcrowdfund #BlackTransCrowdFund
https://twitter.com/sunfIowerkissy/status/1265824448671817729 time for some protest resources. people are still out there every night, they never stopped

DISREGARD THE MAKEUP SECTION. don't wear any makeup as it can cause further damage if tear gassed
fellow non black people, check in on your black friends (if there are more ways we can help, i'm here to listen!) https://twitter.com/makirollOFC/status/1267114319772372993

know the security of the communication apps you're using, ESPECIALLY when organizing /gatherings/

some ASL signs to remember when at a protest. please consider deaf and hard of hearing folks in your discussions
oops i had one more tab open-- the okra project! @TheOkraProject

are you a black trans person struggling with nutritional meals during this time? can you afford to help them with their cause? https://www.theokraproject.com/ 

(sign ups for relief aid are temporarily closed, stay tuned!)
You can follow @yesdoka.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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