[thread] When our opponents talk about socialism, they either talk about it as though it is some sort of utopian, fantasy idea that can never happen or a dangerous alternative to what we have right now. I just don’t connect with that view at all. (1/8) #GV6 #GrassrootsVoice
My view of socialism is as a political expression of love for one another - a system based on our natural drive to love one another. The truth is, for so many millions of people in the UK & elsewhere in the world this capitalist system is hard, scary & uncertain.(2/8)
Socialism is a set of principles, a different way to organise the world. It is based on a common love for our fellow human beings - not about seeing other people as competition, but as others we can work with, who can enrich our experience in life. (3/8)
Socialism is about not accepting suffering, pain, exploitation, embarrassment, malnourishment, monotony, dissatisfaction, loneliness, injustice, fear & premature death as an inevitability...(4/8)
...purely to allow a tiny minority of people to suck more and more power & wealth away from us & the work we do. It doesn’t need to be like this, there is another way. (5/8)
Socialism is a much more loving way to organise ourselves, away from the harshness of our current, brutal system. (6/8)
People will say there are not enough resources for us all, not enough land for us all, not enough power, food, money, housing, schools, hospitals for us all. That is the biggest lie we are sold - precisely so the wealthiest can continue to steal the worlds resources...(7/8)
..regardless of the destruction they do, while we are told via the media & those who wish to keep things the way they are, to look sideways, to blame our neighbour. No matter how much this system wants to divide us, our love for one another is natural. There is another way. (8/8)
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