i had another weird dream that my family and my friends went camping in this sus camping area and the moon was rlly big and rlly bright there and i knew something was off so when we were walking down the trail to get to our campsite, me and my friends strayed from the path and+
+we got lost so we went back onto the trail to see our parents still walking but they were like hypnotized?? oh and it was kinda foggy and it was nighttime but the moon was so bright & big that it illuminated the whole forest trail with a glowwy blue light+
+and then me and my friends strayed from the path some more and we walked down another path bc for some reason there was just a main path that led to diff paths?? anyways we walked on the different pathway and then we ran into our parents again STILL WALKING even though+
+it was literally the middle for the night and we saw them have like headbands/scarves tied around their eyes and the scarf was kinda like holographic and they were hypnotized so they were never walking towards the campsite, they were just walking around aimlessly on the+
+campsite path that led to nowwhere. So my friends decided to run away from this camping site/place bc we knew it was sketchy so we ran thru the woods for the whole night and we somehow ended up finding my house (it was nighttime for the whole time we were inside the forest)+
+and after we got out of the forest, boom. it was magically daytime. and there was this park near my house and a bunch of kids were around this wooden bench and table and there was this guy in my science class in 6th grade sitting ontop for the table and+
+me and my friends asked them for help bc we literally ran away from our hypnotized parents and we ditched them in this sketchy lake campsite thing LOL so we asked them for a place to stay aaand thats when i woke up
—end of this thread abt my weird dream—
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