I have gotten emails from folks who are worried and want to cancel their mail ballot requests in KS. My advice: Don't do it. Get your mail ballot, vote it carefully, take it back early in person.

I called the JoCo, Sedgwick, & Douglas elections offices. Here is what I learned... https://twitter.com/pmiller1693/status/1313868676920209415
JoCo told me that voters who have requested a mail ballot cannot cancel the request. Your only option is to take your mail ballot back to an early voting location or your precinct on election day, and vote a provisional ballot. Your vote will be counted a week later at the canvas
You have to vote provisional so the county can verify that they only have one vote from you. But folks, I would not do this. Just keep it simple and vote the mail ballot. JoCo said that mail ballots received before election day will be included in the election night vote count.
Sedgwick told me voters who have requested mail ballots cannot cancel the request. They had a deadline in Sept. to do that, and it has passed. Ditto on process. You take it back to an in-person voting location, vote provisional, and your vote is counted a week after election day.
Douglas County, however, told me that voters can cancel their mail ballot request if it is done by this Friday, 10/9. They have a form they can email you, and they can then dig into their requests to cancel yours. Why Douglas is letting people cancel still, I'm not sure.
Douglas County voters can also follow that same process of taking your ballot back in person and voting provisional, then your vote will be counted at the canvas a week later. Again, this is something I would not do. Vote the mail ballot carefully, take it back early in person
So you're seeing here, the process for dealing with this varies by county in KS. If you're truly afraid of your vote not counting, call your local elections office and get FROM THEM how they want you to deal with this. But I also think that you're okay just using the mail ballot.
I understand that by keeping the mail ballot, you may be putting yourself into an uncomfortable spot. You wanted the mail ballot because of covid, now you're scared that error or politics could get your vote tossed. Channel that anxiety into acting smartly with that mail ballot.
All 3 offices told me that they don't have many issues with signatures, but they also said that not every county necessarily treats this equally. Douglas tries to contact voters who have signature issues, but that's no guarantee that other counties will be as diligent.
I forgot to ask JoCo about their follow up procedure for signature issues. The Sedgwick person wasn't sure, put me on hold, and then told me they do send a letter and give you a window to clear the issue up. They also said that they understand that signatures naturally vary some.
One of the staff told me that many of their signature problems are with young voters. They say some will do "careless" signatures when they register or even put hearts or smiley faces on their signature. Which then creates a problem for the voter later when that all doesn't match
So some important advice here: use your careful, standard signature on all documents. That includes when you register to vote and when you sign the envelope on your mail ballot. I understand why people are having mail ballot regret, but keep it simple. Use the mail ballot smartly
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