One thing I can't overstate is how much Gov. Ricketts's influence has damaged the collegiality and independence of the Legislature as a separate + functional branch of govt.

He is just a politician. You learn in this arena quickly that some people really are *just* politicians.
They have nothing to offer but games and scorekeeping. There is nothing deeper or more complex about them. They're on the left and the right and the middle, they know who they are, and Governor Pete Ricketts is in that group.
Governor Pete Ricketts is not respectful of the different constituencies of Nebraskans that legislators represent, and he is not respectful of the norms or professional conduct that are required for effective statewide lawmaking.
And he has been very successful in disrupting effective, professional, serious policy work through the candidates and elected officials he supports, financially, with his own staggering personal wealth.
I am talking about our nonpartisan unicameral, how one man has corrupted it, and what that means. Wherever you fall on the political spectrum, trust that, and keep that in mind as you make decisions on your ballot this year.
To be clear, to me, this is not about Republicans. There is an opportunity this election to push back - not necessarily by electing democrats, but by being mindful of who Pete Ricketts is supporting and what that will mean for the future of our state government. #NELeg
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