Hello! This is your friendly, neighborhood MBTI-trained psych researcher here to remind you that being an introvert DOES NOT mean that you are shy and that being an extrovert DOES NOT mean that you don't enjoy doing things on your own. Okey, luv you, have fun! 😘💜

I'm always so happy when we find new things to enjoy, esp when those things help us feel connected to our boys! 🥰 And also esp when it's psych!! 😍 Please, though, pretty please take the current discussions around MBTIs with a grain of salt because of a few reasons.

Firstly, the 16Personalities site many of us used is not actually reflective of the real MBTI. The questions don't get at the essential nature of the MBTI axes and therefore are giving you results that the real MBTI wouldn't give you. I'm sorry!

Secondly, the MBTI should be taken with a trained administrator bc there are instructions to keep in mind to try and make sure the results you get are as relevant as possible. Did you notice how many ppl had different results depending on when they took it? This +

could be because their personality really changed during that time, but it could much more easily be because their frame of mind when they took the tests were different between those different times.

There's a third reason also.

But please only read it if you're sure you wanna know.

This is a good time to say bye and we can chat about something else! 💜💜💜

Are you sure you wanna know? Please be sure before continuing!! 🙏

Please, I don't want to ruin your day, so please only keep going if you must! 🙏🙏🙏😭

Okey, here is the third reason for you brave, brave souls.

Science has shown that the MBTI is not... is not really valid. 💔😭 Empirical studies in peer-reviewed journals found that the inventory didn't result in accurate assessments of people. 💔💔😭😭 However, +

that doesn't mean that people haven't found it helpful or fun in its own way! Mainly, it's used in businesses for team-building, which is why so many of the examples for MBTIs are from the work setting. That might also be why our BTS, TXT, and Enhypen boys have been +

taking it, to reflect on their team dynamics? It's a good way to get you thinking about yourself and others in new and non-judgemental ways, esp in the ways in which you're different and how that can cause misunderstandings. For that, it's awesome! 💜 +

My hope is that we can still have fun w/ the MBTI and also know it has its limitations. If you'd like a scientifically backed personality theory, please check out the Five Factor Model! 😍

If this doesn't get me cancelled, maybe I'll do thread on that later. 😅💜

Please don't hate me! 🥺😭🙏🙏🙏
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