We gotta stop givin air time to folks who keep using the term “woke” as a pejorative.

Often, what they really mean is “n****r lover.”

Engaging with them gives em the false impression that they’re being slick.

Call it out and keep it movin.
Do you think it’s a coincidence they only use that word when matters of equality are brought up?

You’ll never be called “woke” for making a pro-life argument.

You will often be called “woke” for making a pro-equality argument.

Their issue isn’t a theological one.
Students of American history will note that as certain institutions, practices, and words become taboo, they are merely reborn. Slavery gave way to Jim Crow which gave way to the Warn on Drugs.

N****r gave way to welfare queen, super predator, and thug.

The church isn’t exempt.
Christian abolitionists were viewed as radical nuisances. Christian Civil Rights Activists were called everything but Children of God.

And today...if you got the unmitigated audacity to love people... they gon call you “woke” like it’s somethin to be ashamed of.

It’s not slick.
Stop giving people a benefit of the doubt they have not earned.

These types of people have always been there. They will remain for the foreseeable future.


Give em grace.

But grace and energy ain’t the same thing.

You gotta show me you bout love to get energy.
So yes, when they call you a “woke” church they often mean a “n****r loving” church. When they call you a “woke” preacher, they outran mean “n****r loving” preacher.

We shouldn’t pretend otherwise.

Neither should we internalize it as the insult they meant it to be.
I refuse to be insulted by an accusation of loving those created in the image of God.
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