Working with certain spirits who give you abilities prematurely bc of the deals you make with them, make you age really fast and have other physical side effects in exchange for your spiritual skills.
Here’s why:
The key in this lies in preparing your body for ELECTRICITY before doing certain practices like astral travel, dematerializing, remote viewing etc., this is also a reason why you have to do a ton of breathing exercises and different yogas in order to make spiritual progress.
People ask: “why do you have to practice so much in order to get this knowledge?” It’s not only bc a higher being wants you to work and prove your discipline, the main reason is preparation of the SELF in order to have access to some deities or spirits or be initiated into kriya.
It’s all to prepare your body to conduct without damaging it. So when you rewire your atomic structure through sacred practice, the body is very electric.
What we have to consider is that the body has a natural life span and has to eventually decay and transition as well.
So people who look way too young for their age usually are leeches and suck that energy from other human beings. There are nasty physical ways to do this but also ritualistic ways.
There are demonic ways to “fuel” the body with electricity manually, basically vampirism.
I’m only talking about certain extremes here, someone who is well in tune and spiritually healthy usually looks a bit younger than their average age nowadays.
And if someone doesn’t leech and looks suspiciously young, be sure that you’re not dealing with human intelligence.
But remember the key:
Certain practices without the according physical preparation are like shooting a 100 million Volt lighting strike through an old copper cable.
You’ll ruin your vessel if the charge doesn’t match the battery. So be patient and persistent with practice.
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